Why do we gulp when drinking, and don't sip
How we quench thirst We feel thirsty we drink water that's simple. But what happens in the biology of our body? Let's have a look Why we feel thirsty? There have receptors in our blood vessels to measure the salt content in the blood. When water level in our body gets low the salt density gets high and the receptors send signal to the brain that we need to drink water, this feeling is what we call Thirst. But interesting thing is when we are very thirsty if we sip water slowly or have a piece of watermelon ( which is 90% water ) we don't feel satisfied. The Thirst is quenched only when we gulp water, even if we consume the same amount of water if sipped. So why we gulp? According to a researchers group from California Institute of Technology, this works in a cycle called Thirst Circuit. There is a part in brain MnPO (Median preoptic nucleus) which, with the help of other parts of the Brain named SFO & OVLT does the work. It takes...
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