Sudan, The last Male Northern White Rhino, 8 facts about Rhino

1. Rhinoceros or commonly known as rhinos are found in Africa and asia Continent. They are 5 species of Rhinos    
  1. White Rhino
  2. Black Rhino
  3. Indian Rhino
  4. Javan Rhino
  5. Sumatran Rhino

2. White Rhinos are found in Africa. Though they are grey in color the name “White” came from “Wide” to refer their wide mouth and not color.

3. White Rhinos are said to have Two subspecies
  1. Northern White Rhinos
  2. Southern White Rhinos

4.  By the last census 2007 Southern White Rhinos are most abundant and are 17500 in numbers. But Northern white Rhinos are critically Endangered.

5. There were only 3 Northern White Rhinos
  1. Sudan
  2. Najin (Sudan’s Daughter )
  3. Fatu (Sudan's grandDaughter)
All were living in Ol Peteja Conservancy, Kenya

6. Because of age and infertility, they could not reproduce naturally. Though artificial reproduction attempts were made but failed.

7. On 18th March, 2018 Sudan, the Last male northern White Rhino died because of aging.

8. The only 2 Northern White Rhinos are left on earth.


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